音乐之声中英文台词音乐之声The sound of music The hills are alive 只因这天籁之音And I'll sing 大地新象With the sound of music 我也愿Once more 只因这天籁之声With songs they have sung 再次高歌Hallelujah, hallelujah 清歌传唱For a thousand years 哈利路亚,哈利路亚Hallelujah, hallelujah 千年万年The hills fill my heart 哈利路亚,哈利路亚-Reverend Mother. -Sister Bernice. 云岭送翠With the sound of music -院长 -柏尼丝修女-I simply cannot find her. -Maria? 只为这天籁之声My heart wants to sing Every song it hears -我找不到她 -玛丽亚She's missing again. 我心雀跃不已 只因它拾得片音短曲My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that 她又不见了 rise We should've put a cowbell around her neck.我心澎湃狂喜 宛如鸟生新羽展翅飞去 也许我们该在她脖子上挂个牛铃 From the lake to the trees Have you tried the barn? You know how much sheadores the animals. 自湖滨遥向枝头高栖My heart wants to sigh Like a chime that flies 你找过杂仓了吗, 她很喜欢动物I have looked everywhere. In all of the usual places. 我心呢喃低语仿佛钟铃From a church on a breeze 我到处都找过了Sister, considering it's Maria... 自教堂乘风徐徐而来To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls 我建议你...I suggest you look in someplace unusual. 欢笑一如小溪清清 蜿蜒宛转Over stones on its way 找不寻常的地方Well, Reverend Mother... 川流石头间To sing through the night 院长...I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts... 彻夜高歌Like a lark who is learning to pray 我希望这次违规...you may still have about Maria's future here. 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈I go to the hills 会结束你对她在这里会有未来的疑虑I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe. 我总会来这山巅When my heart is lonely 我对疑虑仍常保持信心After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm. 每当我心抑郁I know I will hear 毕竟黑羊的毛也是会温暖We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister 我知道定能听见What I've heard before Margaretta. 昔日歌声 我们不是争论绵羊颜色 My heart will be blessed Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is theleast-- 我心将被赐福With the sound of music 所有修女的候选人中她最糟Children, children. Maria's not an asset to the abbey 各位 玛丽亚不适合修道院We were speculating about the qualifications of our I'd like to say a word in her behalf postulants. 我愿为她说句好话Say it, Sister Margaretta. 我们想了解在修道院的人表现如何The Mistress of Novices and the Mistress of 请说,玛格丽特修女Postulants... Maria makes me laugh 见习修女和修道院修女的主管 玛丽亚令我发笑...were trying to help me by expressing opposite points How do you solve a problem like Maria?of view. 你要如何解决像玛丽亚的问题How do you catch a cloud And pin it down? 表达了不同的意见来协助我Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria? 如何将浮云摘下后钉牢How do you find a word That means Maria? 凯萨琳修女,告诉我 你认为玛丽亚如何,She's a wonderful girl, some of the time. 你要如何用言语形容她A flibbertigibbet 她是个好女孩,有的时候-Sister Agatha? -It's very easy to like Maria... 心浮气躁-A will-o'-the-wisp -A clown -阿葛莎修女, -玛丽亚讨人喜欢...except when it's difficult. -骗子 -小丑Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her 除了不讨人喜欢的时候-And you, Sister Sophia? -Oh, I love her very dearIy. 许多事你们想告诉她Many a thing she ought to understand -苏菲亚修女,你呢, -我喜欢她But she always seems to be in trouble, doesn't she? 许多事她该明了But how do you make her stay And listen to all you 但她爱惹麻烦Exactly what I say. say?这就是我要说的 但如何使她停下,听你说完She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee How do you keep a wave Upon the sand?她会爬树伤膝盖 如何使海浪停留在沙滩上Her dress has got a tear How do you solve a problem like Maria?衣服裂开 如何解决像玛丽亚的问题She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the How do you hold a moonbeam stair 如何使月光In your hand? 在作弥撒的路上吹口哨And underneath her wimple She has curlers in her hair 在掌中停留When I'm with her I'm confused Out of focus and 帽巾下,头发内会有发卷I've even heard her singing In the abbey bemused当我和她同处就糊涂 她常常在修道院内唱歌She's always late for chapel And I never know exactly where I am 她总是迟到作祷告 茫然不知身在何处But her penitence is real -Unpredictable as weather -She's as flighty as afeather 可是后悔却出自真心She's always late for everything -如天候难测 -像羽毛飘忽-She's a darling -She's a demon 她做什么都迟到Except for every meal -她很可人 -恶魔She's a lamb 但每餐饭从不迟到I hate to have to say it But I very firmly feel 羔羊She'll out pester any pest Drive a hornet from its nest 我不愿说,但我深深觉得PIease Iet me ask for forgiveness. 她让瘟神烦恼,把黄蜂赶出巢She can throw a whirling dervish Out of whirl 院长,请让我后悔吧If you'II feeI better. 她能使僧侣昏头转向-She is gentle, she is wild -She's a riddle, she's a child 如果会让你好过些的话Yes, you see, the sky was so bIue today... 她本性善良却又狂野 她是谜一般的孩子-She's a headache -She's an angel 是的,今日的天空如此蔚蓝...and everything was so green and fragrant, I had to -她令人头痛 -她是天使She's a girl be a part of it. 她只是个女孩 万物如此碧绿芬芳 我必须成为其中一份子 How do you solve a problem like Maria? The Untersberg Ied me higher Iike it wanted me to gothrough the cIouds. 你要如何解决她的问题How do you catch a cloud And pin it down? 安特斯让我愈爬愈高 好像要我跟它穿过云霄Suppose darkness had come and you were Iost? 如何摘下浮云钉牢How do you find a word That means Maria? 孩子,万一你在天黑时迷路怎么办,Mother, I couId never be Iost up there. 要如何用字眼来形容她-A flibbertigibbet -A will-o'-the-wisp 院长,我绝对不会迷路的That's my mountain. I was brought up on it. 捣蛋鬼,戏人精A clown 那是我的山,我在那儿长大的It was the mountain that Ied me to you. 小丑Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her 就是那座山,使我来找你的When I was a chiId, I wouId come down and cIimb a 许多事你觉得要告诉她Many a thing she ought to understand tree...许多事她应该明明白 小时我常爬山-But how do you make her stay? -And listen to all you ...and Iook in your garden.say? 眺望你的花园I'd see the sisters at work and hear them sing. 但如何使她停下,听你说完话How do you keep a wave Upon the sand? 看着修女们工作 听着她们晚祷的歌咏Which brings me to another transgression, Reverend 如何使海浪停留在沙滩上How do you solve a problem like Maria? Mother.如何解决像玛丽亚的问题 院长,我今天违反规定 How do you hold a moonbeam I was singing out there today.如何使月光 未得准许唱歌In your hand? OnIy in the abbey do we have ruIes about postuIantssinging. 在掌中停留You may go in now, Maria. 在修道院只禁止见习修女唱歌I can't stop wherever I am. 你可以进去了,玛丽亚Come here, my chiId. 不论在何处 我似乎都无法停止唱歌Worse, I can't seem to stop saying things. 过来吧,孩子Now sit down. 更糟的是 我似乎也无法停止说话Everything I think and feeI. 坐下吧Reverend Mother, I'm sorry. I couIdn't heIp myseIf. 所有我说的和我想的Some caII that ''honesty.'' 院长,我真抱歉 我只是无法自制-The hiIIs were beckoning and before-- -Dear. 有人会认为这是诚实Oh, but it's terribIe, Reverend Mother! 门开着,山峦在呼唤我I haven't summoned you for apoIogies. 但这是很糟糕的,院长You know how Sister Berthe makes me kiss the fIoor 我不是要你来此道歉的after a disagreement? If it is God's wiII. 你知道贝诗修女总在争论之后 要我吻地板 如果是上帝的旨意LateIy, I kiss the fIoor when I see her coming, just to There is a famiIy near SaIzburg that needs a governesssave time. untiI September.所以现在我看到她来就吻地板 以节省时间 萨尔兹堡有个家庭 需要家庭教师一直到九月Maria... -September? -For seven chiIdren. 玛丽亚 -到九月, -照料七个孩子...when you saw us over the waII and Ionged to be Seven chiIdren?!with us... 七个孩子,Do you Iike chiIdren? 当你看到修道院的一切时 想要成为一员...that didn't mean you were prepared for the way we 你喜欢孩子吗,Iive here, did it? WeII, yes, but seven! 那并不表示你已经准备好 要过此种的生活方式 是的,但七个No, Mother, but I pray and I try. I wiII teII Captain von Trapp to expect you tomorrow.不,院长,但我 我祷告,我努力尝试 我会告诉范崔普舰长 你明天去And I am Iearning. I reaIIy am. Captain?我也在学习,我真的要做好 舰长,What is the most important Iesson you have Iearned A retired officer of the ImperiaI Navy. A fine man andhere? a brave one.你在这里学到了 最重要的事是什么,孩子, 他是皇家海军的退役军官 人很好又很勇敢To find out what is the wiII of God and do it His wife died, and he is aIone with the chiIdren.whoIeheartedIy. 他太太数年前去世 留下那些孩子给他I understand he has had a difficuIt time keeping a 找出上帝的旨意 全心全意地侍奉主Maria... governess there.玛丽亚 我明白他要留住那些家庭教师 会有些困难...it seems to be God's wiII that you Ieave us. Why difficuIt, Reverend Mother? 似乎是上帝的旨意 你要离开我们 为何会有困难,院长,-Leave? -OnIy for a whiIe. The Lord wiII show you in his own good time.-离开, -只是短暂的时间而已 上帝届时会让你明白的No, Mother! PIease don't send me away! When the Lord cIoses a door... 不,院长,别这样做 别送我走 当主关闭门时This is where I beIong. It's my home, my famiIy. It's ...somewhere he opens a window. my Iife. 他会打开窗子的What will this day be like? 这里是我的家 我的家人,是我的生命-Are you truIy ready for it? -Yes, I am. 这天会是如何,I wonder -你真预备献身上帝, -我是的If you go out into the worId for a time, knowing what 我怀疑we expect of you... What will my future be? 或许如果你到外面去看看 就明白我们对你的期望 我的未来呢,...you wiII find out if you can expect it of yourseIf. I wonder你就有机会找出 你对你自己的期望 我怀疑I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it! I It could be so exciting promise I can! 外边的自由逍遥世界To be out in the world To be free -我知道你期望什么,我可以做到的 -玛丽亚Yes, Mother. 应该令人兴奋My heart should be wildly rejoicing 是的,院长我的心该狂欢愉悦 上苍祝福那些孩子们Oh, what's the matter with me? They will look up to me And mind me 我到底是怎么回事 他们会以我为榜样,听我的话I've always longed for adventure With each step, I am more certain 我一向渴望着冒险 每走一步,我更确信To do the things I've never dared Everything will turn out fine 做我不敢做的事 一切事情都会好转Now here I'm facing adventure I have confidence The world can all be mine 现在我面对着冒险 我有信心世界会由我掌握Then why am I so scared? They'll have to agree I have confidence in me 为何我如此害怕 因为我对自己有信心A captain with seven children I have confidence in sunshine 一位舰长和七位孩子 我对阳光有信心What's so fearsome about that? I have confidence in rain有何可怕 我对雨水有信心I must stop these doubts All these worries I have confidence That spring will come again 我必须停止多疑和忧虑 我深信春天会再来If I don't, I just know I'll turn back Besides which you see I have confidence in me 不然,我会回到原点 我对自己更有信心I must dream of the things I am seeking Strength doesn't lie in numbers 我必须梦想我所追求的事物 力量不存在数字里I am seeking the courage I lack Strength doesn't lie in wealth 我在追求我所欠缺的勇气 力量不存在财富中The courage to serve them With reliance Strength lies in nights Of peaceful slumbers 有勇气信赖他们 力量存在夜晚的沉睡中Face my mistakes without defiance When you wake up, wake up It's healthy 虚心面对我的错误 要醒就醒,这就是精神Show them I'm worthy All I trust I leave my heart to 让他们知道我的好处 我信任心中的指引And while I show them All I trust becomes my own 我要表现我自己 就会成为我的I'll show me I have confidence in confidence alone 给他们看 我对信心更有信心So let them bring on All their problems Oh, heIp.让他们提出问题吧 哦~救命I'll do better than my best I have confidence in confidence alone 我会尽力再尽力 我对信心更有信心I have confidence They'll put me to the test Besides which you see I have confidence 我有信心,即使他们刁难我 况且,你看我对自己But I'll make them see I have confidence in me In me但要让他们明白,我充满信心 充满信心Somehow, I will impress them HeIIo. Here I am.我要使他们印象深刻 你好,我来了I will be firm but kind I'm from the convent. I'm the new governess, captain.我是坚决但又和善 我从修道院来的 我是新的家教,舰长And all those children Heaven bless them And I'm the oId butIer, frauIein.而我是老管家,小姐 在许多家教中你是第12位了WeII, how do you do? ...to Iook after my chiIdren since their mother died.哦~你好 自从他们的妈妈去世后 来此照料他们You'II wait here, pIease. I trust you wiII be an improvement on the Iast one.请你在此稍候 我相信你会比上一个更好In the future, remember certain rooms in this house She stayed onIy two hours. are not to be disturbed. 她只停留两小时What's wrong with the chiIdren, sir? 以后请记住 这里有些房间是不能乱闯的Yes, captain, sir. 孩子们有何不对吗,Nothing is wrong with the chiIdren, onIy the 是的,舰长,先生-Why do you stare at me that way? -You don't Iook governesses.Iike a sea captain. 孩子们都很正常 是家庭教师的错They couId not maintain discipIine, without which the -你为何如此看着我 -你看起来一点都不像海上的house cannot be run. 舰长I'm afraid you don't Iook very much Iike a governess. -记住,无法维持纪律,是管不好家的 -是的DriII them in their studies. 我也认为你一点都不像个家庭教师-Turn around. -What? 每早你得督促孩子学习I wiII not permit them to dream away their summer -请转身 -什么,Turn. hoIidays.转身 我不准他们在假期惶惶过日Hat off. Each afternoon, they march, breathing deepIy. 拿下帽子 下午他们要在庭院操练Put on another dress before meeting the chiIdren. Bedtime is to be strictIy observed. 你和孩子见面前最好先换衣服 至就寢时间绝无例外But I don't have another. When do they pIay?但我没有衣服换了 请问他们何时玩耍When we enter the abbey, our worIdIy cIothes go to You wiII see to it that they conduct themseIves withthe poor. the utmost decorum.我进入修道院时 将所有衣服送给穷人了 你要看着他们 确定他们循规蹈矩What about this one? -I am pIacing you in command. -Yes, sir. 这一件呢, -我要你负责这一切 -是的,先生The poor didn't want it. Now...穷人不要这一件 现在There wasn't time to make a new dress. I can make ...this is your new governess, FrauIein Maria. cIothes. 这位是你们的新家教 玛丽亚小姐Give your name at your signaI. 我本会为自己做新衣服的,但时间不够 我会自己做衣服 当我吹你们的讯号时 向前一步报出名字I'II see that you get some materiaI. FrauIein, Iisten carefuIIy. Learn their signaIs so youcan caII them. 我会给你一些布料的Today, if possibIe. 你要仔细注意那讯号 以便日后召唤他们LiesI. 今天,如果可能的话-Now, frauIein.... -Maria. 莉莎Friedrich. -现在 小姐 -玛丽亚I don't know how much the abbess toId you. 费瑞克Louisa. 我不知道院长告诉了你多少-Not much. -You are the tweIfth governess... 露易莎Kurt. 现在只剩下我们...wouId you pIease teII me aII your names again and 寇特Brigitta. how oId you are.碧姬塔 请再告诉我一遍你们的名字 还有你的年龄Marta. I'm LiesI. I'm 1 6 years oId, and I don't need agoverness. 玛塔GretI. 我不需要家教 我叫莉莎,我16岁I'm gIad you toId me, LiesI. We'II just be good 葛特儿Now, Iet's see how weII you Iistened. friends.莉莎,很高兴你告诉我 我们可以做好朋友 现在看看你的耳力如何,I won't need to whistIe for them, Reverend Captain. I'm Friedrich. I'm 1 4. I'm impossibIe.我叫费瑞克,我14岁 我是朽木 我想我不用口哨的,舰长I mean, I'II use their names. Such IoveIy names. ReaIIy? Who toId you that, Friedrich? 我会叫他们的名字 尤其是有如此美的名字 真的,谁告诉你的,费瑞克FrauIein, this is a Iarge house. The grounds are FrauIein Josephine. Four governesses ago. extensive. 约瑟芬小姐,前四任教师I'm Brigitta. 小姐,这是座大房子 地方很宽广And I wiII not have anyone shouting. 我叫碧姬塔You didn't teII me how oId you are, Louisa. 而我不容许任何人在此喊叫You wiII take this, pIease. Learn to use it. 你没告诉我你多大,露易莎I'm Brigitta. She's Louisa. 请你拿这个,学习使用它The chiIdren wiII heIp you. 我叫碧姬塔,她叫露易莎She's 1 3 years oId, and you're smart. 孩子也会帮你的Now, when I want you, this is what you wiII hear. 她13岁,而你很聪明I'm 1 0, and I think your dress is the ugIiest one I ever 我要找你,你会听到这个讯号Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir! saw.不,很抱歉,先生 我10岁,我认为你的衣服 是我见过最丑的I couId never answer to a whistIe. -Brigitta, you shouIdn't say that. -Why not? 我绝不会听口哨回报的 -碧姬塔,你不该这样说的 -为何,WhistIes are for animaIs, not for chiIdren. -Don't you think it's ugIy? -Of course. 口哨是为了召唤狗猫和其他动物 但绝不是孩子 -你不认为很丑 -当然And definiteIy not for me. But FrauIein HeIga's was ugIiest. 而且绝对不会是我 但赫德小姐才是最丑的It wouId be too humiIiating. I'm Kurt. I'm 1 1 . I'm incorrigibIe. 这是种很大的侮辱 我是寇特,11岁,我很任性FrauIein, were you this much troubIe at the abbey? -CongratuIations. -What's ''incorrigibIe''? 小姐,你在修道院 也如此麻烦吗, -恭喜你~ -什么是任性,Oh, much more, sir. I think it means you want to be treated Iike a boy. 更麻烦,先生 那表示你希望像男孩般被对待I don't know your signaI. I'm Marta, and I'm going to be 7 on Tuesday. 先生,抱歉 我不知道你的讯号 我是玛塔,星期二我就7岁了You may caII me ''captain.'' I'd Iike a pink parasoI.你可以叫我“舰长” 我爱粉红色At ease. Pink's my favorite coIor too. 稍息 纷红色也是我的颜色Now that there's just us... Yes, you're GretI.是的,你是葛特儿 很独特的举止 And you're 5 years oId? Something you Iearned at the abbey?而你5岁 是在修道院学来的吗, My, you're practicaIIy a Iady. No.天啊,你几乎快成为淑女了不I have to teII you a secret. I've never been a governess. Rheumatism. 现在我要告诉你们一个秘密 我从未当过家庭教师 是 风湿You don't know anything about being a governess? Excuse me, captain. Haven't we forgotten to thank theLord? 你一点也不懂如何当家庭教师,Nothing. I'II need Iots of advice. 对不起,舰长 我们是否忘了向主祷告For what we receive, may the Lord make us truIy 一点也不懂,我需要许多建议The best way to start is to teII Father to mind his own thankfuI. business. 感谢上帝赐给我们一切-Amen. -Amen. 首先,就是告诉爸爸 要他少管闲事Never come to dinner on time. -阿门 -阿门I'd Iike to thank you aII... 你绝对不能准时来用餐Never eat your soup quietIy. 我要感谢各位...for the precious gift you Ieft in my pocket today. 喝汤也不要太小声During dessert, aIways bIow your nose. 今天放在我口袋中的珍贵礼物What gift? 吃甜点时,要擤鼻子Don't you beIieve a word they say, FrauIein Maria. 是什么礼物,It's a secret between the chiIdren and me. 别听他们说的话,玛丽亚小姐-Oh, why not? -Because I Iike you. 这是我和孩子们之间的秘密Then I suggest you keep it, and Iet us eat. -为什么, -因为我喜欢你ChiIdren, outside for your waIk. 那我建议你就留着 让我们可以吃饭Knowing how nervous I must have been... 好了,孩子们,出去散步Father's orders. Hurry up. 我了解陌生人在新家庭里...a stranger in a new househoId... 爸爸的命令Quick, quick, quick. 会是有多么紧张...knowing how important it was for me to feeI 快点,快FrauIein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper. accepted...了解能被接受 会是多么重要的事 玛丽亚小姐 我是蒙思蜜德,女管家How do you do. ...it was so kind and thoughtfuI of you to make myfirst moments here... -你好 -你好I'II show you to your room. FoIIow me. 你们使我感到多么温暖...so warm and happy... 我带你去房间,跟我来Poor IittIe dears. 快乐...and pIeasant. 可怜的小东西You're very Iucky. With FrauIein HeIga it was a snake. 和欢悦-What is the matter, Marta? -Nothing. 你运气很好 赫德小姐拿到的是条蛇Good evening. -玛塔,你怎么了, -没事FrauIein... 晚安-Good evening, chiIdren. -Good evening, FrauIein 小姐Maria. ...is it to be at every meaI or mereIy at dinnertime...-晚安,孩子们 -晚安,玛丽亚小姐 是不是每餐饭 Enchanting IittIe rituaI. ...that you intend Ieading us through this rare andwonderfuI new worId... 事实上,玛塔,你会见到她的 我要带她回来这里你都想要让我们 和大家认识...of indigestion? And UncIe Max. 消化不良 还有麦克斯伯伯They're aII right, captain. They're just happy. UncIe Max!不,舰长,他们只是很高兴 麦伯伯-RoIfe, good evening. -Good evening, Franz. RoIfe!-劳夫,晚安 -晚安,福兰斯 劳夫-I trust everything is under controI? -Yes, yes. Oh, RoIfe!-一切正常吗, -是的 哦,劳夫-Are there any deveIopments? -Perhaps. -No, LiesI. We mustn't! -Why not, siIIy?-有何进展吗, -或许 -不,莉莎,我们不能 -为何,傻瓜 -Is the captain home? -He's at dinner. -I don't know-- -Isn't this why you're waiting?-舰长在不在 -他在用晚餐 -我不知道 -你在此不是为了等我吗, -With the famiIy? -Yes. Yes, of course. -和他的家人, -是的 是的,当然Give him this teIegram at once. -I've missed you, LiesI. -You have? How much?请立刻把电报交给他 -我想你,莉莎 -有吗,有多想, CertainIy. I even thought of sending a teIegram, so I'd be abIe todeIiver it here. 没问题A teIegram for you, sir. 好想,我甚至想给你送电报 让我好来此地Oh, that's a IoveIy thought! Why don't you, right now? 您的电报,先生Franz? Who deIivered it? 那是很美好的想法 你为何不做呢,就现在吧~-But I'm here! -PIease, RoIfe. Send me a teIegram. 福兰斯,谁送来的,That young Iad RoIfe, of course. -但是我就在此啊 -拜托,劳夫,送给我电报吧I'II start it for you. ''Dear LiesI....'' 当然是劳夫了Father, may I be excused? 我为你起稿 “亲爱的莉莎 ”''Dear LiesI; I'd Iike to be abIe to teII you... 爸爸,我能先告退吗,ChiIdren, in the morning I shaII be going to Vienna. 亲爱的莉莎,我很想要告诉你...how I feeI about you. Stop. 孩子们,明早我必须去维也纳Not again, Father! 我对你的感觉,句号UnfortunateIy, this wire is aIready too expensive. 怎么又来了,爸爸How Iong wiII you be gone this time? 很不幸,电报费用太贵了SincereIy, RoIfe.'' 这次你要去多久,爸爸,I'm not sure, GretI. 真挚的劳夫-''SincereIy''? -CordiaIIy. 我不确定,葛特儿-To visit Baroness Schraeder again? -Mind your own -真挚的, -衷心的business! -''CordiaIIy''? -AffectionateIy?-是不是去看史蕾特男爵夫人, -少管闲事 -衷心的, -深情的As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa. WiII there be any repIy? 事实上,是的,露易莎 会不会有回电,-Why can't we ever see the baroness? -Why wouId she ''Dear RoIfe; Stop. want to see you? 亲爱的劳夫,句号Don't stop! Your LiesI.'' -为何我们总见不到男爵夫人呢, -为何她要见你You are going to see the baroness. I'm bringing her “还是不要句号好了,你的莉莎” back with me to visit. If onIy we didn't have to wait for someone to sendFather a teIegram. 你16岁,快17岁了Baby, it's time to think 如果我们不用等别人给爸爸打电报How do I know when I'II see you again? 宝贝,该去思考了Better beware Be canny and careful 我如何知道何时才能见到你WeII, Iet's see.... 最好是警觉,谨慎和当心Baby, you're on the brink 让我想想看I couId come here by mistake. 宝贝,你正在边缘You are 1 6 going on 1 7 我可以因为搞错而来With a teIegram for CoIoneI Schneider! He's here 你是16岁,快17岁from BerIin staying with-- Fellows will fall in line 要给史奈德上校电报 他从柏林来此,停留在 男孩们会排队等候No one knows he's here. Don't teII your father. Eager young lads And roues and cads没有人知道他在此的 别告诉你爸爸 很积极的年轻人和一些鲁莽小人 -Why not? -Your father's so Austrian. Will offer you food and wine -为何不, -因为你爸爸自视为奥地利人 会向你献酒和美食We're aII Austrian. Totally unprepared are you 我们都是奥地利人 你完全没有心理准备Some think we ought to be German, and they're very To face a world of men mad at those who don't. 去面对男人的世界Timid and shy and scared are you 而那些认为该是德国人的 他们不希望这样They're getting ready to-- 怯懦和害羞,你会如此的畏惧Of things beyond your ken 他们已准备好Let's hope your father doesn't get into troubIe. 事情不是你所能胜任的You need someone older and wiser 我希望你爸爸不会惹上麻烦Don't worry. He's a big navaI hero. He was even 你需要一位成熟和有智慧decorated by the emperor. Telling you what to do 别担心我爸爸,他是海军大英雄 他甚至由国王亲告诉你怎么做I am 1 7 going on 1 8 自颁奖I don't worry about him. I worry about his daughter. 我17岁快18岁了I'll take care of you 我知道,我不担心他 但我却担心他的女儿-Me? Why? -WeII, you're so-- 我能够照顾你I am 1 6 going on 1 7 -我,为什么,什么, -你是那样-You're such a baby! -I'm 1 6. What's such a baby 我16岁快17岁了about that? I know that I'm naive -你是如此地年轻 -我16岁了,一点都不年轻了 我知道我很天真You wait, little girl On an empty stage Fellows I meet May tell me I'm sweet小女孩在空虚的舞台等待 我所认识的男孩 可以告诉我很甜美 For fate to turn the light on And willingly I believe 等待命运的开始 我会情愿去相信他Your life, little girl Is an empty page I am 1 6 going on 1 7 你的生命目前是空白的一页 我16岁快17岁了That men will want to write on Innocent as a rose 男人会要书写 如玫瑰般无邪To write on Bachelor dandies Drinkers of brandies可以书写 那些单身汉和白兰地You are 1 6 going on 1 7 What do I know of those?No more music, no more Iaughing. 我对此会有何认识,Totally unprepared am I 再也没有音乐没有欢笑了Nothing that reminds him of her. Even the chiIdren. 完全没有心理准备To face a world of men 不愿接触任何使他想起她的事物 孩子们也一样But that's so wrong. 去面对男人的世界Timid and shy and scared am I 那太不对了Oh, weII. 我是如此怯懦,害羞和害怕Of things beyond my ken 就是这样啊How do you Iike your room? There'II be new drapes 事情不是我所能胜任的I need someone older and wiser at the windows.我需要一位成熟和有智慧 你喜欢你的房间吗, 你会有新的窗帘Telling me what to do But these are fine. 告诉我怎么做 它们还好好地You are 1 7 going on 1 8 New ones have been ordered. 你17岁快18岁了 反正新的已经订了I'll depend on you -But I reaIIy don't need them. -Good night, now.我会完全信赖你 -我真的不需要它们 -晚安Come in. Frau Schmidt, if I asked the captain tomorrow aboutthe materiaI...? 请进Frau Schmidt. 思蜜德小姐,你想 如果明天我要求他布料的事-He's Ieaving in the morning. -Of course. How Iong 蒙思蜜德小姐For your new dresses. wiII he be gone?这是给你做新衣服的 -他明早就离开去维也纳 -是,他要去多久呢, -The captain had these sent from town. -Oh, how It depends. The Iast time he visited the baroness, heIoveIy! stayed for a month. -舰长从城里买来的 -多么美的布料 那得看情况,上次 他在男爵夫人那儿停留了一个These wiII make the prettiest cIothes I've ever had. 月I shouIdn't be saying this to you. I don't know you that 我可以缝制出最漂亮的衣裳Do you think he wouId get me more materiaI if I weII.asked? 我本不该说这些的 我们还不很熟识But if you ask me, the captain's thinking seriousIy... 如果我再要求多点布料的话 他会肯吗,-How many dresses do you need? -Not for me, for the 但如果你问我的话 舰长则很认真地chiIdren. ...of marrying her before summer's over.-家庭教师需要多少衣服, -不是为我,是为了孩子 想娶这女人I want to make them some pIay cIothes. WonderfuI! The chiIdren wiII have a mother again.我要为他们做点游戏服 那太好了~ 孩子们又会有新妈妈了The von Trapp chiIdren don't pIay. They march. Yes.范崔普的孩子不玩游戏 他们只做操练 是啊SureIy you don't approve of that. WeII, good night. 所以你不赞成了 晚安Ever since the captain Iost his poor wife... Good night.自从舰长失去他太太后 晚安...he runs this house as if on one of his ships. Dear Father, now I know why you sent me here.他管理家事就好像管军舰般 亲爱的天父 我现在知道为何你要我来此了 WhistIes, orders. To heIp these chiIdren prepare for a new mother.哨音、命令 是帮助孩子们 接受他们的新妈妈And I pray this wiII become a happy famiIy in thy Spiders?sight. 蜘蛛,LiesI, were you out waIking aII by yourseIf? 而我也祈祷 它将会是个快乐的家庭God bIess the captain. God bIess LiesI and Friedrich. 莉莎,你是独自出去散步吗,If we wash that dress tonight, nobody wouId notice it 主保佑舰长,莉莎,费瑞克God bIess Louisa, Brigitta, Marta and IittIe GretI. tomorrow.还有露易莎 碧姬塔,玛塔和小葛特儿 我们今晚将衣服洗好的话 明天就没有人会知道And I forgot the other boy. What's his name? You couId put this on. 我忘了个男孩 他叫什么名字 你可以穿上这个WeII, God bIess what's-his-name. Take your dress and put it to soak in the bathtub.总之,主保佑他 进去里面脱下衣服 泡在浴缸里God bIess the Reverend Mother and Sister Come back here and sit on the bed, and we'II have aMargaretta... taIk.永主赐福院长,玛格丽特修女 回来坐在床上,我们好好谈...and everybody at the abbey. I toId you today I didn't need a governess. 和在修道院的每位修女 我今天告诉你,我不需要家教And now, dear God, about LiesI. WeII, maybe I do.还有主啊,有关莉莎 或许我还真的需要HeIp her know that I'm her friend... Gretl, are you scared? 让她知道我是她的朋友 葛特儿,你害怕吗,...and heIp her teII me what she's been up to. You're not frightened of a storm, are you? 让她告诉我,她在干什么 你不是怕这暴风雨吧Are you going to teII on me? You just stay right here with me. 你会去告密吗, 你就留在此与我一起HeIp me to be understanding so I may guide her -Where are the others? -They're asleep. They're notfootsteps. scared.协助我能了解,让我能指引她 -其他的人呢 -他们睡着了,他们不怕In the name of the Father, the Son and the HoIy Ghost. Oh, no? Look.以天父,天子,圣灵之名 阿门 是吗,看I was out waIking and somebody Iocked the doors AII right, up here on the bed. earIy. 好吧,大家都上床来-Really? -Well, just this once. Come on. 我出去散步,而大门提前关I didn't want to wake everybody, so when I saw your 真的吗, 只此一次window open.... -Now we'll wait for the boys. -You won't see them.Boys are brave. 我不想吵醒大家 所以当我看见你的窗户是开着时-现在就等男孩们 -你绝看不到他们的,男孩们很勇You're not going to teII Father, are you? 敢You weren't scared, were you? 你不会向爸爸告密吧How did you cIimb up? 你们男孩不是也在害怕吧Oh, no. We just wanted to be sure that you weren't. 你是如何攀上来的,It's how we aIways got in to pIay tricks on the 当然不怕,我们只想确定你们不害怕governess. -That's very thoughtful of you. -It wasn't my idea.我们常进来此屋来戏弄家教 -你真周到,费瑞克 -不是我出的主意Louisa can make it with a whoIe jar of spiders in her It was Kurt's!hand. 是寇特Kurt! That's the one I left out! God bless Kurt. 露易莎能手拿一罐的蜘蛛 单手爬上来呢~Silver white winters That melt into springs 寇特,是我忘掉的一位 主保佑寇特Why does it do that? 银白色的冬天融化成为春天These are a few of my favorite things 为何会这样,The lightning talks to the thunder, and the thunder 这些都是我喜爱的事物answers. When the dog bites因为雷公和闪电在说话 雷公就回话 当狗咬时-But lightning must be nasty. -Not really. When the bee stings-雷公一定很调皮 -并不全然 当蜜蜂蛰时Why does the thunder get so angry? When I'm feeling sad 为何雷公如此生气, 当我感觉伤心时It makes me want to cry. I simply remember my favorite things 使我想哭 只要想起我最喜爱的事物Whenever I'm feeling unhappy, I just try to think of And then I don't feel so bad nice things. 我的心情就不会如此糟了-Does it work? -Of course. 我若遇上不如意的事,感觉不快乐时 我想一些美好的事物 -真的管用吗, -当然What kind of things? -What do you Iike? -Pussy wiIIow! 会是哪一类, -你喜欢什么, -杨柳树Well, let me see. Nice things.... -Christmas! -Bunny rabbits! 让我想想,美好的事物 -圣诞节 -兔宝宝Daffodils. Snakes!水仙花 蛇Green meadows. -ChocoIate icing! -No schooI! 绿草地 -巧克力冰淇淋 -不上学Skies full of stars. PiIIow fights!满天的星星 枕头战Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens -TeIegrams! -Birthday presents! 玫瑰上的雨滴,小猫的胡须 -电报 -生日礼物Bright copper kettles And warm woolen mittens -Any presents! -Ladybugs! 光亮的铜壶,温暖的羊毛手套 -任何礼物 -瓢虫Brown paper packages Tied up with strings A good sneeze!有细绳的褐色包装纸 好的喷嚏These are a few of my favorite things Gesundheit!这些都是我心爱的事物 保佑你Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels See what fun it is?小马,脆甜苹果糕 乳白色看,多么有趣Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens 门铃声和雪车铃声 还有那些面 玫瑰上的雨滴,小猫的胡须Wild geese that fly With the moon on their wings Bright copper kettles And warm woolen mittens野雁翅膀上有月亮 光亮的铜壶,温暖的羊毛手套These are a few of my favorite things Brown paper packages Tied up with strings 这些都是我喜欢的一些事物 有细绳的褐色包装纸Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes These are a few of my favorite things 女孩们穿着白衣佩着蓝缎带 这些都是我心爱的事物Snowflakes that stay On my nose and eyelashes Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上 乳白色小马,脆甜苹果糕Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles 我们今晚相处的较熟了It's too late to go into that. You heard your father. Go 门铃声和雪车铃声 还有那些面Wild geese that fly With the moon on their wings back to bed. 野雁翅膀上有月亮 现在已不早了,孩子们 你们听见爸爸的话了,快These are a few of my favorite things 回床上去Fraulein... 这些都是我喜欢的一些事物Together. 小姐...you have managed to remember I'm leaving in the 一起来Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes morning?女孩们穿着白衣佩着蓝缎带 你记得我明早要出门吧Snowflakes that stay On my nose and eyelashes Is it also possible you remember the first rule in thishouse is discipline? 雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上Silver white winters That melt into springs 你是否也能记住 这房子的首要规定就是纪律Then I trust that before I return... 银白色的冬天融化成为春天These are a few of my favorite things 相信在我回来之前...you'll have acquired some? 这些都是我喜爱的事物When the dog bi-- Dog bites. 你会很有成效Captain? 当狗 咬时Hello. 舰长Could I talk to you about clothes for the children for 你好Fraulein, did I not tell you that bedtime is to be strictly when they play? observed? 我想在你离开前,我是否能跟你谈 有关孩子的小姐,我是否告诉过你 在这屋里要严守就寢时间 衣服The children were upset by the storm, so I-- -If I could have some material. -You are many things.孩子们被雷电所惊吓 所以我想 -如果我能有些布料的话 -你显然是非常全能的 You did, sir. Not the least of which is repetitious.你是说过,先生 但唠叨不是我所想要的Do you, or do you not, have difficulty remembering -But they're children! -Yes. such simple instructions? -但他们只是孩子呀 -是的And I'm their father. 你是否有困难 记住如此简单的指示Only during thunderstorms. 而我是他们的爸爸Good night. 只有在暴风雨时,先生-Liesl? -Yes, Father? 晚安Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes 莉莎I don't recall seeing you after dinner. 女孩们穿着白衣佩着蓝缎带When the dog bites When the bee stings 晚饭后我没看见你Really? As a matter of fact-- 当狗咬时,当蜜蜂蛰时When I'm feeling sad 是吗,事实上Yes? 当我感觉伤心时I simply remember my favorite things 怎样,Well, I was-- 我只要想起我最喜爱的事物And then I don't feel 我是What she would like to say... 我的心情就不会So bad 她想说的是...is that she and I have been getting acquainted 如此糟了tonight. Children, over here. See!看这边 我们从最初步开始学Come on. A very good place to start 走吧~走 很美好的地方开始Fraulein Maria? When you read you begin with 玛丽亚小姐 当你读书时,你开始从Can we do this every day? A, B, CA B C 我们能每天都如此吗,-Don't you think you'd get tired of it? -I suppose so. When you sing, you begin with Do-re-mi-你不认为你会厌倦吗,露易莎 -我想是吧~ 当你唱歌时 你先从Do Re Mi开始Every other day? Do-re-miDo Re Mi 那每隔一天,I haven't had so much fun since we put glue on Do-re-miFraulein Josephine's toothbrush. Do Re MiThe first three notes Just happen to be 自从在约瑟芬小姐的牙刷上放胶水后 我就没有如此开心过了 刚好是最先开始的音I can't understand how children as nice as you can Do-re-miplay such tricks. Do Re MiDo-re-mi 我真不懂像你们如此好的小孩 怎会恶作剧呢,-It's easy. -But why do it? Do Re MiDo-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti -这很简单啊 -为何要如此,How else can we get Father's attention? Do Re Mi Fa So La TiLet's see if I can make it easier. 否则我们要如何吸引 爸爸的注意力呢,Oh, I see. 让我看是否能使它容易点''Doe, '' a deer A female deer 我明白了We'll have to think about that one. Doe是鹿,一只小母鹿''Ray, '' a drop of golden sun 我们得多想想办法AII right, over here. Ray是一束金色的阳光''Me, '' a name I call myself 来吧,大家,过来What are we going to do? Me是对自己的称呼''Far, '' a long, long way to run 我们要做什么,Think of a song for the baroness. Far是很远的长路''Sew, '' a needle pulling thread 我们来想首歌 好欢迎男爵夫人的到来Father doesn't like us to sing. Sew是穿针缝衣服''La, '' a note to follow sew 爸爸不喜欢我们唱歌Perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do La是So的小跟班you know? ''Tea, '' a drink with jam and bread 或许我们可以改变他的想法 你们会唱什么歌 Tea是茶配果酱面包We don't know any songs. That will bring us back to doe Oh, oh, oh我们什么歌都不会唱 那使我们又回到Doe-Not any? -We don't even know how to sing. -Doe! -A deer, a female deer -一首歌都不会, -我们甚至不知如何唱歌 -Doe~-是鹿,一只小母鹿Let's not lose time. You must learn. -Ray! -A drop of golden sun 那就不能浪费时间了 你们必须学习 -Ray~-是一束金色的阳光But how? -Me! -A name I call myself 但是如何学呢, -Mi~-是对自己的称呼Let's start at the very beginning -Far! -A long, long way to run-Far~-是很远的长路 现在凑在一起Sew, a needle pulling thread So-do-la-fa-mi-do-reSo Do La Fa Mi Do Re -Sew~-是穿针缝衣服-La! -A note to follow sew So-do-la-ti-do-re-doSo Do La Ti Do Re Do -La~-是So的小跟班-Tea -A drink with jam and bread -Good. -But it doesn't mean anything. -Tea~-是茶配果酱面包 -很好 -但是不具有意义That will bring us back to So we put in words. One word for every note.那使我们又回到Doe 所以我们要加上词,每一音符一个字-Doe -A deer, a female deer Like this;-Doe~-是鹿,一只小母鹿 像这样Ray, a drop of golden sun When you know the notes to sing -Ray~-是一束金色的阳光 当你知道音符后Me, a name I call myself You can sing most anything -Mi~-是对自己的称呼 就可随兴唱歌了Far, a long, long way to run Together!-Far~-是很远的长路 一起来Sew, a needle pulling thread When you know the notes to sing -Sew~-是穿针缝衣服 当你知道音符后La, a note to follow sew You can sing most anything -La~-是So的小跟班 就可随兴唱歌了Tea, a drink with jam and bread -Doe -A deer, a female deer -Tea~-是茶配果酱面包 -Doe~ -是鹿,一只小母鹿That will bring us back to doe -Ray -A drop of golden sun 那使我们又回到Doe -Ray~-是一束金色的阳光Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do -Me -A name I call myself Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do -Mi~-是对自己的称呼Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are onIy the tooIs we use to -Far -A long long way to run buiId a song. -Far~-是很远的长路-Sew -A needle pulling thread Do Re Mi 只是个来唱歌的工具Once you have them in your head you can sing -Sew~ -是穿针缝衣服different tunes... -La -A note to follow sew 只要你们学会音符 就能唱各种歌 -La~-是So的小跟班...by mixing them up. Like this; -Tea -A drink with jam and bread 把它们凑起来,像这个 Tea~-是茶配果酱面包So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re That will bring us back to doe So Do La Fa Mi Do Re 那使我们又回到DoeCan you do that? -Do -Re-Do -Re 你们会唱吗,So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re -Mi -FaSo Do La Fa Mi Do Re -Mi -FaSo-do-la-ti-do-re-do -So -LaSo Do La Ti Do Re Do -So -LaSoDoLaTiDoReDo So-do-la-ti-do-re-do -Ti -Do, doSo Do La Ti Do Re Do -Ti -Do, doNow, put it aII together. -Ti -La-Ti -La La So-So -Fa Fa-So -Fa Fa-Mi -Re Mi-re-Mi -Re Mi-re-Do -Mi, mi Ti-do So-do!-Do -Mi, mi SoDo TiDo,-Mi -So, so The mountains are magnificent, reaIIy magnificent. -Mi -So, so 这些山真是壮观,盖尔 真是棒透了-Re -Fa, fa -I had them put up just for you. -Oh? -Re -Fa, fa 我特别为你造设的,达令-La -Ti, ti Even if it's to a height of 1 0,000 feet... -La -Ti, ti 万尺高山,盖尔总是相信-Do -Mi, mi ...Georg aIways beIieves in ''rising to the occasion.''-Do -Mi, mi 它的升起是为了特殊场合-Mi -So, so UnIess the jokes improve, I'm taking back my -Mi -So, so invitation.-Re -Fa, fa 麦斯,你的笑话不改进的话 我就要收回邀请了-Re -Fa, fa You didn't invite me. I invited myseIf. -La -Ti, ti 你并未邀请我,我是不请自来的-La -Ti, ti -NaturaIIy. -You needed a chaperone... When you know the notes to sing -很自然 -你需要监护人...and I needed a pIace where the cuisine is superb... 当你知道音符后You can sing most anything 我需要有佳肴...the wine ceIIar unexceIIed... 就可随兴唱歌了Doe! A deer, a female deer 美酒的地方...and the price perfect. -是鹿,一只小母鹿 -Doe~Ray! A drop of golden sun 而价格又公道Max, you are outrageous. -Ray~-是一束金色的阳光Me! A name I call myself 麦斯,你真的太过份了Not at aII. I'm a very charming sponge. -Mi~ -是对自己的称呼Far! A long long way to run 一点也不,我是很迷人的食客Listen. -Far~-是很远的长路Sew! A needle pulling thread 听That's the KIopmann Monastery Choir. -Sew~-是穿针缝衣服La! A note to follow sew 那是可普曼修道院的唱诗班They're good. -La~-是So的小跟班Tea! A drink with jam and bread 他们唱得很好Very good. -Tea~-是茶配果酱面包That will bring us back to 非常好I must expIore this area in the next few days. 那使我们又回到DoeSo-do-la-fa-mi-do-re 以后几天里,我要探访这地区So Do La Fa Mi Do Re Somewhere, a hungry singing group is waiting for So-do-la-fa-ti Max DetweiIer...So Do La Fa Ti 某处,有个渴望被发掘的合唱团 在等我发掘La-so ...to pIuck it out and make it famous at the SaIzburgFoIk FestivaI. in champagne...在萨尔兹堡的音乐节时一举成名 和那些无聊汉附庸风雅喝香槟-They get fame, you get money. -It's unfair, I admit it. ...stumbling about to waltzes by Strausses I can't evenremember? -他们成名而你就得利 -那不公平,我得承认But someday that'II be changed. I shaII get the fame 被华尔兹所牵绊too. -Is that what you're saying? -Yes.-你就是想告诉我这些吗, -多少是吧,是的 但那天一切都会改变的 我也会成名的Good heavens, what's this? Now whatever gave you that idea? 天啊,这是怎么回事, 你为何会有那概念,It's nothing. Just some locaI urchins. Oh, I do like it here, Georg. It's so lovely and peaceful没什么,只是本地的顽童 我真的喜欢这儿,盖尔 如此可爱和宁静This really is exciting for me, Georg. Being here with How can you leave it so often? you. 你怎舍得如此常离开此地Oh, pretending to be madly active, I suppose. 这地方真是太美了 又和你在一起Trees, lakes, you've seen them before. 我想是假装自己还是很活跃Activity suggests a life filled with purpose. 树林,湖泽,山峦 它们都是一样的That is not what I mean, and you know it. 活跃是建议生命充满了目的Could it be running away from memories? 你明白我的意思-You mean me? I'm exciting? -Is that so impossible? 可能是在逃避回忆Or perhaps just searching for a reason to stay. -你不是指我令你兴奋, -不可能吗,No, just highly improbable. 也许是在寻求留下的理由I hope that's why you've been coming to Vienna so 不是,只是不会发生-There you go, running yourself down. -Well, I'm a often.dangerous driver. 我希望那是你常去维也纳的理由-Were there other distractions? -I'd hardly call you a -又来了,又看低自己了 -我是危险的驾驶人You're much less of a riddle when I see you here, distraction.Georg. -还是那儿有让你着魔的事物, -我不能说是你令在这里,盖尔 你看来没这么像个谜 我着魔的-In my natural habitat? -Yes, exactly. Well, what would you call me, Georg? -在我生长的地方 -是的,正是 那你如何形容我,盖尔,Are you saying that I'm more at home... Lovely...你是说在这 漂亮...among the birds and the flowers and the wind that ...charming, witty, graceful, the perfect hostess...moves... 美丽,聪明有风度 很完美的女主人...and, you're going to hate me for this... 鸟语花香的地方...through the trees like a restless sea? 你会恨我这样说的...in a way, my savior. 我感觉较舒适How poetic. 有点像是我的救世主Oh, how unromantic. 多有诗意啊Yes, it was rather, wasn't it? 真不浪漫呀I'd be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't say... 是的,我是的,不是吗,More at home here than in Vienna in all your glittering 如果我不告诉你 那我就是不知感恩的小人了 salons... ...that you brought some meaning back into my life.我在此比在维也纳觉得安逸 在你们那奢华的沙龙是你使我重新体会生命的意义I am amusing, I suppose. 里...gossiping gaily with bores I detest, soaking myself 我想我是受宠若惊I have the finest couturier in Vienna and a glittering Well?circle of friends. 怎样,Well what? 而我是有维也纳最好的地方 最上流社交圈的朋友-I do give some rather gay parties. -Oh, yes. 什么怎样,Have you made up his mind? Do I hear wedding -和最豪华的派对 -喔,是啊~But take all that away... bells?除去那些 你让盖尔决定了没, 我是否会听见婚礼钟声,...and you have just wealthy, unattached little me... -Pealing madly. -Marvelous.你只有财富和一位飘浮不定的我 -很有希望 -太棒了...searching, just like you. -Not necessarily for me. -What kind of talk's that? 在寻寻觅觅像你一样的人 -但不一定有婚礼 -那是什么意思,More strudel, Herr Detweiler? None-of-your-business talk.多来点甜点吗, 那跟你无关,麦斯-How many have I had? -Two. I'm terribly fond of him, so don't toy with us. -我吃了多少, -两个了 我很喜欢盖尔 我不准你把我们当玩具Make it an uneven three. But I'm a child. I like toys. So tell me everything. 那么它就成为第三个吧 但当我是孩子时,我喜欢玩具 所以告诉我一切吧Still eating, Max? Must be unhappy. Come on. Tell me every teensy-weensy, intimate,disgusting detail. 还在吃,麦斯,一定是不太快乐That mixed quartet I've been trying to steal away from 快点,告诉麦斯一切的细节SoI Hurok. Well, let's just say I have a feeling I may be here onapproval. 数月来,我一直想从 何洛克那边弄来四部曲-What happened? -Sascha Petrie stole them first. 我们可以说,我有感觉 我可能会被认可-I approve of that. How can you miss? -Far too easily. -发生何事,达令, -昨天,沙夏皮特抢先了I hate thieves. -我同意,你怎会错过, -很容易的If I know you, darling, and I do, you will find a way. 我最恨的莫过于贼了Max, you really must try and learn to love yourself. 如我了解你的话,达令 我知道你会找到方法的-He's no ordinary man. -No, he's rich. 麦斯,你要学习自爱I had to call Paris, Rome and Stockholm. 他不是普通人,他很富有His wife's death gave him a great heartache. 为此事我得打长途电话到巴黎-On Georg's telephone, of course. -How else could I 当他老婆死后 给他带来他可怕的心痛afford it? And your husband's death gave you a great fortune. -当然是用盖尔的电话了 -要不然我怎么负担的起 当你先生死时 他留给你一笔“可怕”的遗产I like rich people, the way they live and how I live Oh, Max, you readily are a beast. when I'm with them. 麦斯,你真是怪物You and George are Like family. That's why I want to 我喜欢有钱人,喜欢他们的生活方式 尤其和他们see you married. 一起生活时I wonder where the children are. 你和盖尔对我来讲就像是一家人 所以我想看到你我在想孩子们上哪儿去了, 们两人结婚They must have heard I was coming and hid. We must keep ail that Ivey money in the family. 显然地,他们一定是 听见我来了,躲起来了 我们必须保留那笔钱 在同一家庭中I was hoping they'd be here to welcome you. -What are you doing there? -Oh, Captain von Trapp. 我是希望他们会在家欢迎你的 -你在干什么, -范舰长Max, do step out of character for a moment and try I was just Looking for....and be charming. 我正在找I didn't see, I mean, I didn't know you were-- 麦斯,试着放开朗一些,好吗,我没看到你,我不知道你 这位是史蕾特男爵夫人Heidi Hitler! And these...希特勒万岁 而这些Who are you? ...are my children. 你是谁, 是我的孩子们I have a telegram for Herr Dewier. How do you do?我送电报给德维勒先生 你们好-I am Herr Dewier. -Yes, sir. Go inside, dry off, clean up, change your clothes andreport back here! -我就是 -是的,先生You've delivered your telegram. Now get out. 进屋去洗干净、换件衣服 再回来这里,立刻~Fraulein, you will stay here, pIease! 好,电报你送到了,滚吧-George, he's just a boy. -Yes, and I'm just an Austrian. 小姐,请你留下来I think I'd better go see what Max is up to. -盖尔,他只是个小男孩 -是,而我只是奥地利人Things wail happen. Make sure they don't happen to 我最好去看麦斯在干什么you. Now, fraulein...要发生的迟早会发生 只要确定不会发生在你身上 现在,小姐Max! Don't you ever say that again? ...I want a truthful answer. 麦斯,你千万别再这样说 我要你据实回答I have no political convictions. Yes, captain.你知道我没有政治主张 是的,舰长-Can I help it if other people do? -You can help it. Is it possible, or could I have just imagined it?-我能帮上什么吗, -是的,你可以帮忙的 是真有可能,我只是刚想到的You must help it. Have my children, by any chance, been climbing treestoday? 你非帮不可Hello? 我的孩子们今天有爬过树吗,Yes, captain. 哈啰You're far away. Where are you? 是的,舰长I see. 你如此遥远,你在哪儿,In a world that's disappearing, I'm afraid. 这样And where, may I ask, did they get these...? 在一个遥不可及的世界里Is there any way I could bring you back to the world 我能否请教他们哪来的这些,I'm in? -Play clothes. -Is that what they are? 有办法带你回到现实世界吗, -游戏服 -你是如此称呼它们的,-Father! Father! -There's your father! I made them from the drapes that used to hang in mybedroom. -爸爸~爸爸~ -你们的爸爸~Oh, captain, you're home! 是我拿我卧房里的旧窗帘所做的-Drapes? -They have plenty of wear left. 哦,舰长,你回来了Come out of that water at once! -窗帘 -还剩下很多We've been everywhere in them. 立刻从水里上来Oh, you must be Baroness Schraeder. 孩子们穿着玩了不少地方Are you telling me that my children have been 你一定是史蕾特男爵夫人I'm soaked to the skin! roaming about Salzburg... 我湿透了~ 你是在告诉我 我的孩子穿着旧窗帘的布料 Straight line! ...dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?排好 玩遍了萨尔兹堡This is Baroness Schraeder. And having a marvelous time!You will pack your things this minute... 是的,而且玩得很开心-They have uniforms. -Forgive me, straitjackets. 你现在立刻收拾行李...and return to the abbey. -他们有制服 -对不起那是疯子穿的They can't be children if they worry about clothes-- 回去修道院What's that? 孩子们不该担心 会弄脏珍贵的制服They don't complain. 那是什么,It's singing. 我没听过埋怨They don't dare. They love you too much and fear-- 有人在唱歌Yes, I realize it's singing. But who is singing? 他们不敢,他们太爱你Don't discuss my children. 我知道,但是谁在唱歌,The children. 我不希望在此情况下讨论我的孩子You've got to hear, you're never home-- 孩子们The children? 你必须听,你都不在家久留I don't want to hear more! 孩子们I taught them something to sing for the baroness. 我说过不喜欢听你说I know you don't, but you've got to! 我教他们一首歌欢迎男爵夫人My heart wants to sing Every song it hears 我知道你不要,但你必须-Liesl's not a child. -Not one word-- 我心雀跃不已 只因它拾得片音短曲Every song that it hears -就拿莉莎来说吧 -你别再说有关莉莎一句Soon she'll be a woman and you won't even know her. 只因它拾得片音短曲My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that 她有天会成为女人 而你甚至不了解她Friedrich wants to be a man but you're not here to riseshow-- 我心澎湃狂喜 宛如鸟生新羽展翅飞去From the lake to the trees 费瑞克想要成为一个男人 却没有人给他作榜样Don't you dare tell me-- 自湖滨遥向枝头高栖To the trees 你胆敢说我儿子的事Brigitta could tell you about him. She notices 向枝头高栖 everything. My heart wants to sigh Like a chime that flies碧姬塔能告诉你这些 她知道一切事情 我心呢喃低语仿佛钟铃 Kurt acts tough to hide the pain when you ignore From a church on a breezehim... 自教堂乘风徐徐而来To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls 还有寇特,当你忽略他时 他假装坚强,隐藏伤痛...the way you do all of them. 欢笑一如小溪清清 蜿蜒宛转Over stones on its way 你总是这样对待他们Louisa, I don't know about yet. 川流石头间On its way 还有露易莎,我还不了解她 但总有人要去了解她The little ones just want love. Please, love them all 川流石头间To sing through the night 还有最小的,她只想要被爱 求求你,舰长,爱他们 彻夜高歌I don't care to hear more. Like a lark who is learning to pray我不想再听你说有关孩子的事 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈 -I am not finished yet, captain! -Oh, yes, you are, I go to the hills captain! 我总会来这山巅When my heart is lonely -我还没说完 -是的,你说完了Fraulein. 每当我心抑郁I know I will hear 小姐Marta. 我知道定能听见What I've heard before 玛塔Curtain! 昔日歌声My heart will be blessed 开幕High on a hill was a lonely goatherd Lay odl lay odl 我心将被赐福With the sound of music lay hee hoo只因这天籁之音 高山上有个寂寞牧羊人 咧咿喔里噢And I'll sing Loud was the voice Of the lonely goatherd Lay odl layodl loo 我也愿Once more 他的歌声真响亮 咧咿喔里噢Folks in a town That was quite remote heard Lay odl 再次高歌Edelweiss! lay odl lay hee hoo雪绒花 偏僻的小镇居民也听到了 咧咿喔里噢You never told me how enchanting your children are. Lusty and clear From the goatherd's throat heard Layodl lay odl loo 你从来没有告诉我 你的孩子们如此地可爱Don't go away. 他的歌声雄壮而清脆 咧咿喔里噢Ho ho lady odlee ho Ho ho lady odl lay 别走开Fraulein. Ho ho lady odlee ho Ho ho lady odl layHo ho lady odl lee ho Lady odl lee ho lay 小姐I... Ho ho lady odl lee ho Lady odl lee ho layMarta. Marta! 我...behaved badly. I apologize. 玛塔~玛塔~GretI, the prince! 我的表现很失常,我道歉I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 葛特儿,王子A prince on the bridge Of a castle moat heard Lay odl 不,是我说话太过份了 这是我最大的缺点You were right. lay odl lay hee hoo城堡桥上的王子听到了 咧咿喔里噢 你说的对I don't know my children. Men on a road With a load to tote heard Lay odl layodl loo 我不了解我的孩子们There's still time, captain. They want so much to be 登山的人们也听到了 咧咿喔里噢close to you. Men in the midst Of a table d'hote heard Lay odl layodl lay hee hoo 你还有时间,舰长 他们很想亲近你And you brought music back into the house. 咖啡店的人也听到了 咧咿喔里噢Men drinking beer With the foam afloat heard Lay odl 你将音乐带回到这个家I'd forgotten. lay odl loo喝啤酒的人们也听到了 咧咿喔里噢 我都忘记了Fraulein. One little girl In a pale pink coat heard Lay odl lay odllay hee hoo 小姐I want you to stay. 穿淡粉色外衣的女孩也听见了 咧咿喔里噢She yodeled back To the lonely goatherd Lay odl lay 我要你留下来I ask you to stay. odl loo我请求你留下来 她向那寂寞牧羊人唱出她的心声 咧咿喔里噢-If I could be of any help. -You have already. Soon her mama With a gleaming gloat heard Lay odllay odl lay hee hoo -如果我能帮忙的话 -你已经帮了很多忙了More than you know. 她妈妈也欣喜地唱着 咧咿喔里噢What a duet for a girl and goatherd Lay odl lay odl loo 只是你不自知-Bravo! -Bravo! 女孩和牧羊人,美好二重唱呀 咧咿喔里噢-Hm hm hmm 好极了~好极了~-Hm hm hm hmm Very good!-Odl lay hee 真是太好了-Odl lay hee Wonderful!-Odl lay hee hee 真是美妙-Odl lay hee hee -Can we keep the puppets, Uncle Max? -Yes, can we?Odl lay hee -麦斯伯伯,我们可以留下傀儡吗, -是啊,可以Odl lay hee 吗,Ho ho lady odlee ho Ho ho lady odl lay Of course you may, my darlings. Ho ho lady odlee ho Ho ho lady odl lay 你当然可以,亲爱的Ho ho lady odl lee ho Lady odl lee ho lay Why else did I tell Professor Kohner to send the biIIHo ho lady odl lee ho Lady odl lee ho lay to your father?One little girl In a pale pink coat heard Lady odl lady 不然,我怎能会叫可伦教授 将帐单寄给你爸爸odl lay woo hoo 呢,WeII done, frauIein. 穿淡粉色外衣的女孩也听见了 咧咿喔里噢She yodeled back To the lonely goatherd Lady odl 干的好~小姐lady odl loo I reaIIy am very much impressed. 她向那寂寞的牧羊人唱出她的心声 咧咿喔里噢 我真的很感动Soon her mama With a gleaming gloat heard Lady odl They're your chiIdren, captain. lady odl lay hm hm 他们是你的孩子My dear, is there anything you can't do? 她妈妈也欣喜地唱着 咧咿喔里噢What a duet for a girl and goatherd Lay odl lay odl loo 你还有什么做不到的事吗,WeII, I'm not sure I'II make a good nun. 女孩和牧羊人,美好的二重唱呀 咧咿喔里噢Happy are they Lady ho lady lee ho 我想做个好修女有些困难If you have any probIems, I'd be happy to heIp you. 他们欢天喜地 咧咿喔里噢Ho lady ho lady lady ho 如果有任何问题 我很乐意帮你的Ho lady ho lady lady ho Attention, everyone!Soon the duet will become a trio Lady odl lady odl loo 各位请注意I have an announcement to make. Surprise! Surprise! 二重唱很快变成三重唱 咧咿喔里噢Odl lay hee 我有惊人的事情要宣布 惊喜~惊喜~Odl lay hee Today, after a Iong and desperate search... -Odl lay hee 经过一番苦心的寻求-Odl lay hee ...I have found a most exciting entry for the SaIzburg-Odl lay hee hee FoIk FestivaI.-Odl lay hee hee 我终于找到参加 萨尔兹堡音乐节的合唱团了-Odl lay hee CongratuIations, Max. -Odl lay hee 恭禧你,麦斯-Odl lay odl lay And who wiII you be expIoiting this time? -Odl lay odl lay 这回是哪个团雀屏中选呢,-Odl lay odl lay -The Saint Ignatius Choir? -Guess again. -Odl lay odl lay -圣伊格森合唱团 -再猜-Odl lay odl lay WeII, Iet me see now. The KIopmann Choir? -Odl lay odl lay 我想,克兰曼歌唱团Odl lay hee odl lay hee odl lay, hoo! -No, no, no, no. -No, no? Odl lay hee odl lay hee odl lay, hoo! -不对,不对 -不对吗,TeII us. -PIay us something we know. -Oh, pIease, Father.告诉我们 -请为我们唱一首 -求求你,爸爸 A singing group aII in one famiIy. You'II never guess, WeII.... Georg. 嗯-Why didn't you teII me? -What? 一个由家庭组成的合唱团What a charming idea! -你怎么没跟我说 -说什么,To bring aIong my harmonica. 多么好的主意Whose famiIy? 要带我的口琴来Edelweiss 谁的家庭,Yours. 雪绒花Edelweiss 你的啊~They'II be the taIk of the festivaI. 雪绒花Every morning you greet me 他们将会是一大轰动-WeII, now, what's so funny? -You are, Max. 每天清晨迎接我Small and white -有何好笑的, -你很好笑,麦斯You're expensive, but very funny. 小而白Clean and bright 昂贵,但很好笑-They'II be a sensation! -No, Max. 纯又美You look happy -他们一定会轰动的 -不,麦斯It's a wonderfuI idea. Fresh, originaI. 你很高兴To meet me 这是极好的主意 新面孔又自然Max! My chiIdren do not sing in pubIic. 遇见我Blossom of snow 麦斯,我的孩子们不公开演唱You can't bIame me for trying. 雪似的花朵深情开放May you bloom and grow 不能怪我没尝试过ChiIdren, who shaII we hear from next? 愿你绽放、茁壮Bloom and grow forever 孩子们,下一个该谁唱,Who? 永远盛开,永远成长Edelweiss 谁,Yes. 雪绒花Edelweiss 好The vote is unanimous. 雪绒花Bless my homeland forever 全体一致通过You, capta